Wiki MCR denies for invalid date range - Help

Melody Irvine

Loveland, CO
Best answers
Pt sees another DR for preop for cataract surgery. We do the surgery only on1/20/09 and bill 66984 -54RT. But pt decides to continue post op with us. So we bill for post op days also as 66984 -55RT and the post date range is
1/21/09 - 4/21/09 (bec 1 day po is the 21st).

MCR denies for invalid date range. I found something online on how to bill post op days and per this info date range begins date of surgery so we correct claim date range to 1/20/09 - 4/20/09. Still denied for invalid date range.

Can you give advice on what we're doing wrong? It would very greatly appreciated.

Thank you.