Wiki McBride bunionectomy w/ Neuroma x2


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If the dr. performs a McBride bunionectomy on the left foot and also removes 2 Morton Neuroma's from the 2nd and 3rd interspace (28292, 28080 x2) and the 28080 is bundled with 28292, can I use a -59 to unbundle.

The 28080 x 2 are seperate from the bunion does that qualify for breaking the bundle?

Thank you anyone who can clarify for me
I would use modifier T1 and T2 for the neuroma's. You can use the toe modifiers for different toes. Hope this helps.

Vickie Mounce
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I would use -59 modifiers to unbundle the 28080's in this case.

Also - not that auditing companies are always correct, but I got dinged on an audit once for using the 'T' modifiers on some neuroma excisions. Reasoning was that those neuromas involved the metatarsal areas - not just the phalanges - so RT/LT modifiers applied, not "T" modifiers.

Hope this helps.