Wiki Maternity Diagnosis


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I work with an OB hospitalist group. We are located in over 20 states. Recently, we have been getting tons (and I mean TONS) of denials stating a maternity DX can not be billed with an E/M??? We have seen a good many in Florida and Texas. We were told certain payers are linked with Ingenix and that is why they are denying. Has anyone else experienced this? Our claims were previously being paid. I am thinking it is the system and not the payer. The vendor has just told us we can not use 650 DX with a delivery code??

Any help is greatly appreciated!
I think this must be a system error. What dx code do they expect you to use for a delivery??
And you absolutely use chapter 11 codes for office visits. Again what are they stating as the alternative. Once we know what they are suggesting s the alternative then we can point to the guideline which indicates the correct code for that circumstance.
Postpartum Rounding

Thanks for your response!

Question...what code would you use for a postpartum rounding code. We normally use V24.2. Since we are only hospitalists, we never know if we will do the postpartum rounding at the time of delivery, so we always charge a delivery code without postpartum care.

Thanks again!