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I work at an FQHC. The question has come up whether or not we can bill a medical visit and a mental health visit on the same bill? Since we get paid by PPS rate, we did not think we could, but were not sure? Can anyone tell me what you do?
Medicaid allows multi day visits, so you can bill the physician encounter as well as the BH encounter on separate claims and get reimbursed the PPS rate for both claims.
Hi Tetzel,🧠
Our MD physician bills behavioral codes CPT 90832----90837 code and medical CPT 99202-92214 at same time if addressing chronic issue and mental health problem in current documentation. Thus if patient has ongoing HTN or CHKD discuss treatment of that with meds, Etc and then discuss his or her mental health problems of let us say Depression F32, Mood DO F06, or Anxiety dx F41 .The documentation for that visit is broken up into 2 sections of discussion, treatment, and minutes listed for each segment in the current note.
I hope this data helps you
Lady T:)