Wiki Mapping


Liberty, MO
Best answers
Who Does The Mapping in your office?

I currently work in an office that is transitioning from a free clinic to a billing clinic. I have not worked in any other office and have some questions about who does what in the terms of coder or physician. When mapping a diagnosis to a procedure does the physician usually do that or is that something that the coder should do? I am looking specifically for what other physicians offices do not hospitals as I'm sure they do things differently in the hospital setting. Any Information would be helpful.


Christy Catron-CPC
Last edited:
Often times the provider will select the level of service provided and then what DX's to use, my docs will # the dx's if there are several and some just make sense to order them in a specific way (like with DM & CKD). Always verify with the provider if you have a question of how they want the claim reported to the insurance company. Ultimately it is the providers responsibility to make sure the information being reported is accurate so their input is crucial! If the provider is unable to help then check the documentation. Good Luck