Wiki Manipulation of knee without anesthesia

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I would like to get response from experts how to code Manipulation of knee without anesthesia for displaced Bucket-handle lateral meniscus tear (S83.212A). Description of procedure is: ""Despite low chance of success, he elected to try an office manipulation. I applied a valgus stress to the left knee while internally and externally rotating the tibia and taking this through a range of motion. There was a palpable clunk. Afterwards the patient did feel like the knee was significantly improved and felt like he can walk normally."

I was told that I cannot bill 27570 (Manipulation of knee joint under general anesthesia) with modifier 52.

Any recommendations?

Thank you very much!
If you billed 27570 linked to a meniscus tear it would be denied with or without modifier -52. Code 27570 is for reporting manipulation of the knee when there are adhesions that need to be separated internally. I would go with unlisted as there is no CPT code for performing manipulation to treat meniscus tears.