Wiki Management options of e/m table of risks


Whitestone, NY
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Question: Patient comes to primary care doctor for preoperative clearance. In the Table of Risks, would High Risk Management Options of an elective major surgical procedure with identified risks apply toward the PCP's medical decision making of an E/M? Or is the management of the surgery in Risk Table apply only to the surgeon? :confused:

Question: Patient comes to primary care doctor for preoperative clearance. In the Table of Risks, would High Risk Management Options of an elective major surgical procedure with identified risks apply toward the PCP's medical decision making of an E/M? Or is the management of the surgery in Risk Table apply only to the surgeon? :confused:

Hi, is this patient has been scheduled for surgery with the same PCP or any other specialised surgeon? if the surgeon and the PCP are the same then we need not code any E&M level as its already planned. If the surgeon is different but surgeon decided sx and the PCP is different and he performs only the Preop Clearence then bill E&M visit for the PCP like a follow up with 54 modi pre-op care only.

if the surgery is not scheduled prior and the current visit cannot be Preop Clearence visit. only at the initial visit when the patient was evaluated and the decision/procedure performed then it will fall under the High risk table. and this applies only for the surgeon in this scenario. and the PCP must be coded with a follow up E&M.

Thanks & Regards,
