Wiki mammograms-screening vs diagostic

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If a patient had a screening mammogram and a lump is found, does that mammogram then become a "diagnostic mammogram"? Do you then bill Medicare as a "diagnostic mammogram"? And, if the patient is sent for a screening and the doctor has put the diagnosis code as "screening" but put the wrong CPT code, can that CPT be corrected to a "screening" CPT?
Mammogram Screening VS Diagnostic

I currently work for an OB-GYN office and we offer mammograms to our patients. If a patient originally is scheduled for her yearly routine mammogram screening, it would be coded as a screening mammogram even though the test results shows it other wise. We had the same issue with one of our patients. She came in for a routine screening mammo and test results showed she had osteopenia. Even though the result showed that she osteopenia, the reason she came in was for a routine screening and so her visit for that mammo would be coded as routine screening. Hope this helps!!