Wiki mammogram and abus


Columbus, GA
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Hi everyone,
I am new to the ob side of coding and the new place that I am working at does mammograms and automated breast ultrasound (abus). I am trying to find the policy on the medicare website to see what dx codes are allowed for these procedures. I also need to find the policy for dexa scans. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Hi everyone,
I am new to the ob side of coding and the new place that I am working at does mammograms and automated breast ultrasound (abus). I am trying to find the policy on the medicare website to see what dx codes are allowed for these procedures. I also need to find the policy for dexa scans. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Medicare coverage for breast exams can be found at: But keep in mind that many payers have a written policy that states the ABUS is investigational so be sure patient is aware and it would be a good idea to get this exam prior authorized so the patient is not faced with an unexpected out-of-pocket expense. Medicare says they may cover it is it is "medically indicated" and I think that means you have to prove it before they will pay.

For DEXA coding and coverage go to: and scroll down to Chapter 15, Section 80.5 (click on it to get coverage information). For billing Medicare go to the Medicare Claims Processing Manual, Chapter 13, Section 140 (