Wiki Major Medical well-child diagnosis coding


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I have a patient who is 7 and who has a BCBS of MN Major Medical policy. They do have preventive coverage but the mother was told that now that the patient is 7 we can no longer use a V20.2 for the diagnosis code on a preventative visit. It seems odd to use a V70.0 but that is the only code I can think of to use. The V70.0 doesn't say that it is for adults only so I think we will be safe. Of course, when you ask the customer service rep they just say they can't tell us how to code. :mad:

Any opinions?

We deal with many insurance companies in Pediatrics and never heard of this. I think what mom is really asking is for the Dr to code a non preventive diagnosis because of her non preventive coverage. At the same time nothing is wrong with the child except that she wants her child to have a PE.