Wiki Mail order HA injections

Highland Village, TX
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I am curious if anyone is having issues with getting insurances to pay for HA injections.. My office is currently not getting reimbursed and is looking into switching all patients over to a buy and bill instead. However, I'm curious if there is a way to bill insurance for injection supplies or biohazard supplies?
we bill some HA injections. No issues with traditional Medicare for buy and bill. But seems anytime we do buy and bill with commercial, we end of having reimbursement issues. Either insurance stating it was/should have been supplied by specialty pharmacy or just issues with insurance accepting benefits. While time consuming, we get most of ours from specialty pharmacy per patients plan.
I am curious if anyone is having issues with getting insurances to pay for HA injections.. My office is currently not getting reimbursed and is looking into switching all patients over to a buy and bill instead. However, I'm curious if there is a way to bill insurance for injection supplies or biohazard supplies?
Are these injections being done in the physician's office? If so the cost of the injection & biohazard supplies should be considered as part of the practice expense and included in the professional fee for administering the injection. What exact supplies would you be billing that go above and beyond these routine charges???
Are these injections being done in the physician's office? If so the cost of the injection & biohazard supplies should be considered as part of the practice expense and included in the professional fee for administering the injection. What exact supplies would you be billing that go above and beyond these routine charges???
The drug costs for HA drugs (Hyaluronic Acid), as well as many other injectables, are absolutely separately billable if the office has purchased the drug supply.