Wiki Magnesium admin - therapeutic or hydration?


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:confused:I have been coding Hem/Onc for a year or so and have been told that administration of Magnesium is ALWAYS coded as hydration, and I can understand that when it is mixed with the IV fluids, but when it isn't, and they chart that "infusion was started via pump", is this still considered hydration using 96360, or since it ran 31 minutes, considered therapeutic infusion, 96365? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I am having a similar issue with insurance.... patient was recieving Vectibix over 1 hour billed at 96413 and then was infused with magnesium over an hour... I used code 96366 as it would be a non-chemo infusion but wasn't hydration either.

The insurance company is denying it saying I am using the wrong add on for the initial...

I am aware that 96366 is an add-on for 96365, but only one initial infusion can be billed and that would be 96413 for chemo...

Does anyone have any advice for me?
You should actually code Magnesium using 96367- with a modifier of 59. 96367 is Infusion sequential (meaning before or after) up to 1 hour. You cannot bill more than 1 unit for 96367. If you had a drug that was to infuse for longer than an hour, you would need to then bill 96366 for each additional hour.

Hope this helps!

Kendall Cook
Oncology Case Manager
Lowcountry Medical Group, LLC