Wiki ma visit


Zephyrhills, FL
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I have a question regarding a ma visit. pt came into office got an immunization and the ma is trying to code a 99211 as well. there is no other dx listed but the v05.3. its been a while since i have worked with office visits. its my understanding that you cant bill a v code with an office visit. so i would only be billing the immunization.
You can't bill an administration code with a nurse visit, per CCI edits. Your denial has nothing to do with the diag.

Bill 9047x (vaccine administration)
9xxxx vaccine code (i.e. tetanus)

Use the appropriate V code for the diagnosis (based on the vaccination). But don't bill the nurse visit also.
MA visit

Based on the question, a Medical Assistant is not a nurse, so can we still have him/her bill 99211 for other visit types like bloodwork?
Based on the question, a Medical Assistant is not a nurse, so can we still have him/her bill 99211 for other visit types like bloodwork?

you can bill a 99211 for an employed MA, as long as the incident-to requirements are met. A venipuncture should be billed 36415 instead of a 99211, and you can't bundle both together.