Wiki lung cancer dx


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can someone tell me if a pt has lung cancer RLL and RUL same lung would you code it as 162.9 or 162.3 and 162.5....I was thinking if it is in different lobes of the same lung you would use 162.9 and only code 2 different codes if involving both lungs....there is some discussion in the office on this...any help would be appreciated! :)
Lung CA

If there is documentation to support 2 different locations for the neoplasm as you report in your question, you would report the code for both locations even though it is the same organ.
Do you know why this is different for breast cancer if you code 2 separate sites for breast cancer that is indicative of left and right it because breast is not considered an organ?? :confused:
Until ICD-10 is used, diagnosis codes are not indicative of left/right/bilateral.
Even though a breast is not an organ, if the documentation shows that there is a neoplasm in the upper, lower and middle areas, you would code all three. The idea behind the diagnosis code is to give a complete and full picture of what the patient actually has. When ICD-10 hits, you would still code all that applies and then tag the left/right designation.
Another thought to consider: Are the two lung neoplasm each primary sites or is one the primary with a metastasis? You may need to code 162.x and 197.0.

I have worked in oncology for several years and have seen both situations. I have seen two primary sites with different pathology. I have also seen a primary site and the second site in the lung be metastatic.

Rhonda Crouch, CHONC