Wiki Lumbar Disc Displacement and Radiculopathy


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I am having trouble with this coding. The op report states the following diagnosis
1. Lumbar Disc Displacement
2. Lumbar Radiculopthy

CPT 722.10 states it includes radiculititis due to displacement and CPT 724.4 excludes 722.0-722.9

It is correct to code ONLY 722.10 since the operative report only gives these 2 conditions and no other cause of the Radiculopathy?
I would just code 722.10. Like you stated it does include the radiculitis.

722.10 Lumbar intervertebral disc without myelopathy
Lumbago or sciatica due to displacement of intervertebral disc
Neuritis or radiculitis due to displacement or rupture of lumbar intervertebral disc
Any condition classifiable to 722.2 of the lumbar or lumbosacral intervertebral disc

Hope that helps.

Kelsey, CPC