Wiki LT and RT modifiers

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Is there a rule that designates when you use LT and RT? I am trying to simplify this for training. Does anyone have any helpful hints?
Thank you in advance.
I believe it is carrier specific. Some carries like to see LT, RT modifiers and some prefer to see 50 for bilateral services. I would check each carrier's policy on their website.
I believe it is payer preference. If anthem, cigna ect. want RT or LT vs 59. You can call the carrier and find out what their requiremnets are.
I believe it is carrier specific. Some carries like to see LT, RT modifiers and some prefer to see 50 for bilateral services. I would check each carrier's policy on their website.

HAHA we said almost the exact same thing at the exact same time...
LOL, sorry I found that funny! :);):cool: