Wiki Lower Extremity Angio


Loganville, GA
Best answers
Is it appropriate to code this as 36246? Also can I bill 75710-26-59 and 75625-26 considering a CTA Abdominal Series was performed within 30 days?

Access was obtained using a modified Seldinger technique with a micropuncture kit and a 5-French sheath was placed in the left common femoral artery.

The rest of the diagnostic angiogram was carried through from the 5-
French sheath. Using the 0.035 wire, a 5-French Omniflush catheter
was parked in the abdominal aorta and abdominal aortogram was
performed, which revealed normal renal arteries and no significant
disease of the abdominal aorta. After that, a runoff was performed,
which revealed tortuous bilateral iliac arteries, and revealed mild
to moderate disease of the right SFA, severe disease of the right
profunda femoris artery, and a severely diseased popliteal artery,
with one-vessel runoff. On further investigation for disease, it
was decided to go up and over. An 0.035 angled Glidewire was used
to go to the contralateral side in an up and over fashion, and this
wire was parked in the right common femoral artery, and a 5-French
Omniflush catheter sheath was advanced over the 0.035 glide sheath
and was parked in the right common femoral artery. The rest of the
selective shots were performed through the 5-French Omniflush
sheath. Selective shot was performed for right common femoral
artery. Selective shot of the right superficial femoral artery, and
selective shots were performed of the popliteal artery and the lower
extremity articular structures of the right lower extremity. This
showed mild disease of the right superficial femoral artery,
severely diseased profunda femoris artery in the right side,
severely diseased popliteal artery in the right side, with severe
lower extremity disease with complete occlusion of the posterior
tibial and popliteal artery, with complete occlusion of the anterior
tibial artery, which revealed reconstitution above the foot. Since
there was no indication for balloon intervention in this patient,
the procedure was halted, and the Omniflush catheter was withdrawn
over the wire, and the groin closed with a 5-French Mynx system.
Is it appropriate to code this as 36246? Also can I bill 75710-26-59 and 75625-26 considering a CTA Abdominal Series was performed within 30 days?

Access was obtained using a modified Seldinger technique with a micropuncture kit and a 5-French sheath was placed in the left common femoral artery.

The rest of the diagnostic angiogram was carried through from the 5-
French sheath. Using the 0.035 wire, a 5-French Omniflush catheter
was parked in the abdominal aorta and abdominal aortogram was
performed, which revealed normal renal arteries and no significant
disease of the abdominal aorta. After that, a runoff was performed,
which revealed tortuous bilateral iliac arteries, and revealed mild
to moderate disease of the right SFA, severe disease of the right
profunda femoris artery, and a severely diseased popliteal artery,
with one-vessel runoff. On further investigation for disease, it
was decided to go up and over. An 0.035 angled Glidewire was used
to go to the contralateral side in an up and over fashion, and this
wire was parked in the right common femoral artery, and a 5-French
Omniflush catheter sheath was advanced over the 0.035 glide sheath
and was parked in the right common femoral artery. The rest of the
selective shots were performed through the 5-French Omniflush
sheath. Selective shot was performed for right common femoral
artery. Selective shot of the right superficial femoral artery, and
selective shots were performed of the popliteal artery and the lower
extremity articular structures of the right lower extremity. This
showed mild disease of the right superficial femoral artery,
severely diseased profunda femoris artery in the right side,
severely diseased popliteal artery in the right side, with severe
lower extremity disease with complete occlusion of the posterior
tibial and popliteal artery, with complete occlusion of the anterior
tibial artery, which revealed reconstitution above the foot. Since
there was no indication for balloon intervention in this patient,
the procedure was halted, and the Omniflush catheter was withdrawn
over the wire, and the groin closed with a 5-French Mynx system.

I agree with your codes, but why the arteriogram when there is a CTA? What I'm questioning is the medical necessary? You may have to answer that question from the third party payer.
Jim Pawloski, CIRCC:)