Wiki Looking to network with other TRAUMA CENTER coders


Local Chapter Officer
Fort Myers, Florida
Best answers
Hello, my name is Jeff and I am 1 of 2 Coders at a Level II Trauma Center in Southwest Florida. I am looking to build a network of other Trauma Center/Trauma Surgery coders throught the nation. We can ask each other questions about surgeries, procedures and codes related to TRAUMA CENTERS of any level. Also bounce thoughts and ideas off of each other.We will keep each other informed on any policy and code changes and even inform each other of any upcoming TRAUMA conferences or symposiums throughtout the country. (I am open to any and all other ideas and suggestions) If you are interested or know of an already existing group like this please feel free to email me at the following email, thanks!!

?Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life? - Confucius