Wiki Looking for guidance on billing E&M for inpatients

carol ann

Winfield, KS
Best answers
Needing some assistance on billing E&M for inpatients. If patient is in Obs and goes to Acute same day, can a Discharge E&M be billed and a H&P?
If the patient is "admitted" to Observation, then admitted per normal and later Discharge all on the same day, then you should be looking at 99234-99236 codes for "Observation/Inpatient and Discharge same day" codes.

"When a patient receives observation care for a minimum of 8 hours, but less than 24
hours, and is discharged on the same calendar date, Observation or Inpatient Care
Services (Including Admission and Discharge Services) from CPT code range 99234 -
99236 shall be reported. The observation discharge, CPT code 99217, cannot also be
reported for this scenario"


CMS Claims Processing Manual 12 30.6.8.B
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