Wiki linking what dx to what visit- PF service at hospital


Merrill, WI
Best answers
Hypothetical scenario here:

Let's say a patient is admitted to the hospital because she has a broken ankle. It will need surgery, so ortho will be involved. I am coding for the professional services provided by the physician (for the dr's time, efforts, etc.)

Let's say the patient has the ankle fracture, hyperlipidemia , hypertension and depression.

A hospitalist admits the patient, does subsequent care and then also DC's the patient.

1) Is it correct coding to list all 4 of those dx for the hospitalist? He is not technically managing the fracture, but I assume that he does consider it and possibly even talk about it some when he sees the patient for the other underlying dx's??
2) Do we list all 4 dx on all visits?
3) Should HP, subsequent and DC all be coded according to that DAY'S visit, or since he did all the care, should the dx's off the DC be coded? (example. HP might be dx'd as ankle pain. Day 2 might be fracture, hypertension. Day 3 might be fracture, hypertension and rash. Day 4 might say fracture, hypertension and rash- RESOLVED. Discharge day might read fracture, hypertension, etc., and rash resolved.) I am really confused on this.. hopefully the way I wrote it makes sense.

Anything you have on this would be great.