Wiki limited stenting with 37226??


Tarboro, NC
Best answers
I have an unusual intervention report that I need some guidance with. My doc performed 37226 (SFA) and used 4 overlapping stents :

" We then deployed four overlapping stents starting from distal, a Smart 6.0 into 100mm stent, a Smart 6.0 into 100mm stent and the third stent was 6.0 into 100mm LIFESTENT. At the proximal end of the third stent there was still residual stenosis. We then deployed a 6.0 into 40mm Smart stent overlapping the third stent..."

The CPT book states when more than one stent is placed in the same vessel the code should only be reported once. I can not find anywhere that states how many stents may be placed before I am able to use mod -22.

Can anyone help?!:eek:

Brandy Edmondson, CPC
No, you may not append mod 22 just because n number of stents were placed. Its use depends on the level of difficulty in doing one procedure and the unusual time in performing that. If the provider gives those details only then we should go ahead with mod 22. Also, only one code per vessel.
