Wiki Limited and Extedned Exam for 1995 DG


Sunrise, FL
Best answers
Reference to 1995 DG, who can tell the difference between:

a limited examination --- Expanded PF and
an extended examination --- Detailed

The following case from E/MUniversity:(10/06/2009)

Exam: Awake, alert, NAD. BP 158/78, HR 56, RR 20. Lungs CTA. Heart:RRR, no MRGs. No peripheral edema.

(Dr PerterJ says: "Maybe, this would qualify as an EPF exam using the 1995 Guidelines based on the fact 3 organ systems are described,......)

Why it cannot qualify as a Detailed exam?

Appreciate any response.

Judy CPC-A
Coder -- TeamHealth
Last edited:
EPF = a limited examination of the affected body area or organ
system and other symptomatic or related organ system(s)

DET= an extended examination of the affected body area(s) and other symptomatic
or related organ system(s)

per CMS

your example does not indicate and extended exam of the affected body area therefore the exam would count as EPF.

Hope this helps
Extended exam

Thank you so much for your reply. It is so helpful. Now I understand that if no indication of extended exam, just count as limited.

Again. Thanks a lot. I may take CEMC next month.

What is the documentation you are expecting to be credited as "extended" for the same above example?