Wiki level of risk??


Harrisburg, PA
Best answers
I am auditing some of my PA's subsequent hospital notes and I am now to a point where I am stuck on this particular record. I am hoping that someone can help me out with what level of risk you would consider the following...

1. PAD s/p fem pop bypass
2. SVT - HR regulated no acute issues.
3. C-Diff on vanco - positive for loose stools, ID following
4. foot/heel ulcers - wound care following
5. afib on coumadin rate controlled.
6. hypothyroid, on sythroid
7. dyslipidemia, on zocor
8 CAD - no chest pain on ASA
9. confusion - pt remains confused , no agittation
10. UTI on diflucan

Please help with what level of risk you would give this. Thanks.

I would consider the Medical Necessity on this one to be Low. All of the problems that your PA is actually following are either Stable Chronics, or Uncomplicated Acutes. She did not even make any medication changes. Even though you could probably get Moderate on the table of risk for 2+ stable chronics, I don't see the medical necessity for going above Low based on the stable chronics and uncomplicated acutes.
I am auditing some of my PA's subsequent hospital notes and I am now to a point where I am stuck on this particular record. I am hoping that someone can help me out with what level of risk you would consider the following...

1. PAD s/p fem pop bypass
2. SVT - HR regulated no acute issues.
3. C-Diff on vanco - positive for loose stools, ID following
4. foot/heel ulcers - wound care following
5. afib on coumadin rate controlled.
6. hypothyroid, on sythroid
7. dyslipidemia, on zocor
8 CAD - no chest pain on ASA
9. confusion - pt remains confused , no agittation
10. UTI on diflucan

Please help with what level of risk you would give this. Thanks.


Of all the conditions you have listed which ones are your docs addressing. What does the A/P look like for this encounter?