Wiki level 5 (99215) for NOB 2


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We have a patient that came in for her NOB 2 appointment. She refused the pelvic exam as her child was with her. My question is, can we still bill it out as a level 5 or do we need to change it to a lower level (99213)?

The Global period starts after the NOB visit. The patient will have an extensive apt with the doctor. The patient is roughly right around 10-12weeks at the NOB apt.
The OB global is to start the visit after confirmation of the pregnancy. If a different provider confirms the pregnancy then the OB global begins with the OB first encounter. so I am unclear as to what an NOB 2 is. Also you can only charge what is documented as performed. I would not assume any visit would be be a level 5 or a level 3 based on what was not performed.
So my question is was the pregnancy confirmed prior to this encounter. If so then this is a global encounter.