Wiki Lesions


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Never have done much of any lesion coding so looking to confirm or get some direction...if a doctor indicates that lesion removed of the shoulder was 1.2 cm but the pathology reports says 1.5 x 0.9 x 0.5cm with surface measuring .8cm then what is actually considered the diameter excised? I'm sure we are just not seeing something simple here on the appropriate cpt code. The diagnosis is skin, left shoulder, basal cell carcinoma.
Does the fact that the specimen was in formalin effect the size? Like can it be expected to shrink or swell? Maybe this would account for the difference by the time the lab gets it.
in this scenario the path size is bigger at 1.5 but did the provider measure the lesion or the excised diameter which is the lesion size plus the margins. We are suppose to use the excised diameter. And yes they shrink in the solution.