Wiki Lesions and layers closures


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When the doctor removes a lesion and he states that he has done a layered closure should the doctor be giving you the length of the incision. We have only ever used the length of the lesion as a guideline, but when I think about it they may be doing a wider incision, especially for cancerous lesions. Do most doctors state the length of the incision when they remove lesions.


They should give you the excision size and the closure size, or they can give the lesion size and the margin size. The code for the lesion is based on the excised diameter not the lesion and you are correct in then the repair is based on the size of the defect created.
Two measurements

First you need the size of the lesion and margin to code the excision.

Then you need the size of the wound created to code the closure.

But you ask Do most doctors state the length of the incision when they remove lesions. ... Not in my experience.

Despite gentle reminders, not so gentle reminders, and downright nagging ... Many times the documentation leaves me no choice but to code the closure based on the lesion size (plus margin).

Hope that helps.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC