Wiki Lesion/Mass or Neoplasm????


Branford, CT
Best answers
HELP!!! I was always taught and then have always followed through with the mind set that if a doctor documents a pt as having a mass or lesion that it would be coded from the mas/lesion section or from the disease section from ICD 9. I have a doctor wanting to code them as unspecified neoplasms. Which I have provided the definition of a neoplasm below. I am concerned that because insurance companies may look at this as a patient having cancer they may become uninsurable or their premiums may skyrocket and then we would be doing the patient more harm than good. If anyone had any information on this topic I would greatly appreciate. Thanks!!!

Etymology: Gk, neos + plasma, formation
any abnormal growth of new tissue, benign or malignant. Also called tumor. See also benign, cancer, malignant. neoplastic, adj.
I also do not code from the neoplasm table when the provider states "mass" or "lesion". Sometimes, the CPT index for mass or lesion of a particular area leads you to a specific code, so I would always start there. Interesting that your provider wants you to code neoplasms.