Wiki Lesion destruction

Tyler, TX
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Can you bill cpt code 17280 (destruction by cryo) with dx of 173.31 -- without a pathology report? The provider's exam stated "skin lesion at nasal tip appears to be basal cell carcinoma due to raised borders and central pitting". I'm not a dermatology coder and any help is appreciated.
dx coding for lesion

No you can not code it as a malignant neoplasm because the dr. stated that it "appears" to be malignant. He doesn't know for sure and that is the reason he is doing the biopsy. I would code 238.2 as well as any personal or family history of a malignant neoplasm if it is documented. :)
You cannot use 238.2 without a path report. That code can only be used after pathologist renders a dx of uncertain behavior. Look in your code book at the beginning of the section for neoplasm of uncertain behavior. It states that this is for well defined histomorophopathologic neoplasm which means pathology has to render this. If you look in the alpha of the code book for lesion then skin it takes you to 709.9 that is the code you can use
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...I read it a little too fast. I confused the providers indication vs what the path report said, I thought the pathologist said that it appeared to be basal cell carcinoma. I stand corrected! That's what I get for thinking too fast!