Wiki Left to Right Bypass Graft

York, PA
Best answers
Kinda stuck on this one. I've never coded for a bypass from left to right. Open to thoughts...

this patient has had previous grafts

Operation: Right common femoral to left distal popliteal artery bypass graft using 6mm thin-walled Gore-Text graft

Procedure: (I'll para-phrase) Right femoral incision was made, exposing right ileofemoral artery bypass graft, dissected slightly and encircled w/ vessel loops.

Distal popliteal artery exposed through below-knee medial incision. Popliteal artery dissected and encircled w/ vessel loops.

Another incision made in mid thigh, a tunnel connecting that to the femoral region where another small incision was made and then a tunnel down to the popliteal in the suprapubic area was made.

Clamps applied on the popliteal artery. longitudinal arteriotomy was made. Graft anasomosed end to side fashion to the popliteal artery . Clamp applied on the graft close to the anastomosis.

Bypass graft passed through the tunnel to the right femoral region, longitudinal arteriotomy in the graft was made (this is the old graft). Sutured up, clamps released, all good.