Wiki Layered Closure Follow-up


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I code for an Urgent Care company, and I need help with a couple charts. The patient came in on 6/23 after falling off of her bike. She had a layered closure performed on her leg, and was told to see her PCP in two days for a follow-up. She came back on 6/25 with redness and swelling. The provider called it a wound infection, and did an x-ray to rule out a foreign body. Procedure code 12032 has a 10-day global period.

My coworker is telling me to bill the E/M on 6/25 with modifier -24. I'm having difficulty with this, as I feel that this visit is related to the procedure. The first visit was for a wound, and the second is for the same wound that is now infected. Can anyone give me some guidance on this? Thank you all, and have a wonderful day.