Wiki Lateral move in career?


Raynham, MA
Best answers
Currently I am employed as a physician chart auditor. I have been offered a medical coding job where I would be auditing physician charts to select the appropriate diagnosis codes. Do you think this is a lateral move for my career-going from an auditor to a coder or do you think this would be looked down upon by future employers?
Lateral move in career

Currently I am employed as a physician chart auditor. I have been offered a medical coding job where I would be auditing physician charts to select the appropriate diagnosis codes. Do you think this is a lateral move for my career-going from an auditor to a coder or do you think this would be looked down upon by future employers?

I have had many roles in the medical billing/coding field. The more varied your experience, the more employable you are. I wouldn't consider a lateral move to be something to be looked down upon. This new role may open other opportunities for you. With ICD10 coding you will have some very marketable skills!