Our physicians are currently using the LATERA implant by spirox for repair of nasal valve collapse and I cannot find any information on how to code this. If this was a surgical procedure it would be coded as 30465, but this is an insertion of a biodegradable implant. The manufacturer does not have reimbursement guidelines on their website, but we just think that the insertion of the LATERA doesn't fit the description of 30465: The physician repairs a nasal vestibular stenosis using a variety of techniques. Separately reportable cartilage (e.g., auricular composite) graft may be used to support the cartilaginous skeleton and vestibular soft tissue scarring. In one external approach the physician makes an incision in the upper lateral cartilage, in another approach a "V" shaped cut may be made. In either case the incision is followed by an osteotomy of the medial aspect of the nasal bones. A spreader graft is placed to widen the nasal vestibule. The incision is closed or closed in a V-Y manner (lengthens the columella) with suture.
Anyone have any experience with this as the procedure is brand new??? Thanks!
Anyone have any experience with this as the procedure is brand new??? Thanks!