Wiki laryngoscopy and endoscopy same global?


True Blue
Hinsdale, MA
Best answers
So the number of days for global when an endoscope is used is 0, hence postop visits for same problem can be billed can be billed?
Does this apply when a laryngoscopy is done? (0 global)
How about a laryngoscopy with biopsy?
Thank you
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Diagnostic endoscopies typically do have a zero-day global period, but if additional procedures are performed, you would need to look up the exact code in the Medicare physician fee schedule and/or payer policies to find the global period for the actual procedure that was done.

I believe that most of the laryngoscopy codes that include just a biopsy and no other procedures are also zero-day codes, but since this is not specific enough information to know what code would be assigned, I would hesitate to say that it is always the case.
Thomas is correct, if the procedure performed has a zero global you can charge any care that is provided from that day forward. If there are other procedures that are performed during the same surgical encounters with identified global periods, you have to determine if the post op care was related to those with a global period or not in order to determine if you can charge during a post op global period.

Example: Endoscopic sinus surgery has no global period but patient also has a septoplasty and turbinectomy which have a 90 global period; patient returns 2 days later for packing removal and endoscopic sinus debridement. Packing removal is not billable but the endoscopic sinus debridement is as it is related to the endoscopic sinus surgery that has a zero global period. If the surgeon indicated that the sinus debridement has anything to do with the septoplasty or turbinectomies (which has a 90 global), this post op service would not be billable.

Pay attention to all procedures performed, global periods, and all post-op care that pertains to any and all procedures.

Coding Analyst