Wiki lapidus fusion with MTP realignment

Kalispell, MT
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op note says: Through Percutaneous incision the lateral collateral ligaments were sharply released off the second and third MTP joints. Good correction was achieved. The second and third toes were then pinned in this improved alignment. What CPT code would you use for this? Dr has used 28313 On his other surgeries but this is for soft tissue only no bone component and not done percutaneous. Appreciate your help.
28313 would be correct. This code is used when only soft tissue is involved. Lapid fusion was performed on the first metatarsal and has nothing to do with these procedures.
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Do you know why 28298 Akins osteotomy has the option of RT or LT modifier OR T5 / T A .
28292 Silver bunionectomy is LT only and they bundle with no modifiers and with the LT modifiers but if I use TA and LT they don’t. The software we use is called Vitalware.
Akin osteotomy is a cut of the phalanx which could be identified by which specific toe it was performed on. You'll probably never see it performed on anything but the big toe. Silver is an osteotomy of the medial metatarsal which is the foot level. So it is identified by -RT or -LT.