Wiki laparoscopic/robotic component separation musculofascial flaps with anterior abdominal hernia repairs.


Hamilton, OH
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Curious how others are coding laparoscopic/robotic component separation musculofascial flaps with anterior abdominal hernia repairs. Our coding leadership has decided to use unlisted code 22999 and compare it to the open code 15734. I watched a webinar from the ACS/American College of Surgeons who recommended using the unlisted laparoscopic, hernioplasty, herniorrhaphy, herniotomy code, 49659 in addition to the appropriate anterior abdominal hernia repair code.
We use code 15734 for open or laparoscopic procedures. If they have a bilateral flap we code as 15734,15734-59, & 49652. Some carrier's want you to use units. Medicare wants us to bill as 15734 on one line with two units. I am attaching an article thats helpful from AAPC. Hope this helps.
Teresa Cooper, CGSC


  • Expose the Layers of Abdominal Wall Reconstruction - AAPC Knowledge Center.pdf
    246.4 KB · Views: 14
I also code it open, since it's technically on the outside of the body. And have the same as above advice, but I've also seen up to 6 flaps done at once, which can get a little tricky with the billing aspect, but as long as it's documented well, it should pay.