Wiki Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy that turned to open Cholecystectomy


Jacksonville, IL
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I am from an Illinois ASC and we had a case recently that the Lap Chole had to be converted to open due to gallbladder inflammation. The open Cholecystectomy is not on the approved procedure list-we billed the open and have been appealing. My Physcian director thinks I should have billed the Lap Cholecystectomy as that was the intent and the procedure was 50% completed as Lap not open. I disagree I say we must bill what the procedure actually was. Does anyone have a good reference regarding coding of surgical procedures that have to converted during the surgical sessions.
Lap Chole converted to open procedure

Hi. I would bill the lap chole as originally scheduled but also with the dx code "lap procedure converted to open". I would also use modifier, I believe 58, as it is a related procedure and mail a copy of the operative report with the claim. Hopefully this will help. Good lock.
emma flattery

The response from eflatterycpc is incorrect. You must bill the open procedure with the diagnoses code of laparascopic converted to open. Once a procedure is converted to open you can not bill for the laparascopic portion.
I disagree. If the doctor attempts a procedure but is stopped , he still performed a service which is y I said use a modifier. Then bill the open with the convert to open code. I just read a similar situation in the Medicare coding magazine. Send your op note with the claim.
You should not bill the lap chole

You bill the open chole with the original diagnosis for doing the surgery, the diagnosis of inflamed gallbladder, and the lap converted to open code V64.41.
This is the way I have always done it and when I took the exam for my General Surgery specialty credential, this was mentioned in the AAPC study guide for the exam.
I disagree. If the doctor attempts a procedure but is stopped , he still performed a service which is y I said use a modifier. Then bill the open with the convert to open code. I just read a similar situation in the Medicare coding magazine. Send your op note with the claim.

You only billl the attempted procedure if it was discontinued and no further procedure was done. (Bill with modifier -53). If a laparoscopic procedure is converted to open you must bill the open procedure only and add dx V64.41.
A little late but the correct billing

nc_coder is correct. You bill for what was performed, the open chole code with the original dx code, you have to identify medical necessity and then the convert to open code as your secondary dx code. You would never bill for both procedures, that is incorrect coding. Modifier -53 is only used if the procedure was not performed and no other procedure was performed.
Lap to open procedures

What happens if one procedure is completed laparoscopically ie: splenetic flexure takedown, then the main procedure of sigmoidectomy is converted to open. Do you bill for the laparoscopic splenetic flexure then use V64.41 for the lap to open sigmoidectomy? Please advise!!!
I realize this is late but must say I was incorrect. If a procedure that started out laparoscopically and was converted to open, it should be billed as open with the dx of the procedure being done, and the lap converted to open dx. :rolleyes: