Wiki Laparoscopic bariatric revisions


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I am looking for a code for lap revision of gastric sleeve and also for lap revision of gastric bypass. I've been provided 43771 for the gastric sleeve which appears to be used only for lap band, and for the bypass an unlisted code. If unlisted, should this be mapped to 43644? Thank you in advance!
I'm not very familiar with bariatric surgeries but I'll try to answer your question to the best of my knowledge.

I wouldn't use 43771 for the sleeve revision because like you said this is more for the revision of a lap band. I don't believe there's a CPT code for either of the procedures you've listed. My facility uses unlisted code 43659 for the laparoscopic revision of a gastric restrictive procedure. I believe this would encompass either the sleeve or bypass revision. We use comparison code 43848.

The CPT lay description for 43848 states, "Revision techniques vary depending on the technique used in initial gastric restrictive procedure (i.e., gastroplasty, partial gastrectomy, gastric bypass) and the nature of the gastric restrictive failure. Types of revision include gastroplasty, conversion of a gastroplasty to a gastric bypass, and revision of a gastric bypass."