Wiki Laparascopic lysis adhesions uterus


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Need help with coding a diagnostic laparascopy with lysis of adhesions between the bladder and uterus with separation of bladder from the uterus. The only code I can see is the 58578 unlisted laparasopy procedure uterus. Is there a more specific code for this?
Was there anything else adhesed to the organs? It looks like that is going to be your best bet but take a look at 44180, 51999, or 58660.
It is always hard to tell when the note isn't posted.
I would suggest for 49329 - unlisted laparoscopic procedure peritonium, omentum, the reason is : adhesion has occured at peritonial level between the uterus and the bladder peritonium. The proceudre undertaken is adhesiolysis at those tissues, which procedure is unlisted.