Wiki Lap Assist Vag Hysterectomy for Didelphic Uterus


Kansas City, Missouri
Best answers
We have a patient who is scheduled for a laparoscopic vaginal hysterectomy and she has the congenital abnormality of having 2 uteruses and 2 cervixes (sorry, I don't know the correct plural forms of these words). I know the diagnosis codes for these anomalies, but I am questioning how I should bill the procedure to the insurance.

The patient has United Health Care and I am not finding any real guidance in their medical policies as to whether I should bill the LAVH twice (one for each uterus) with a possible 51 or 59 modifier, or if I should bill the LAVH only once with a 22 modifier. Customer service offered no guidance, as they can not tell one how to bill a claim.

I really haven't decided which way I am going to go. I know that either way I will probably be appealing the claim in some fashion. I am just curious to see what other coders would do.

Any input is appreciated.