Wiki Laceration Repair-Our patient was


Hillsboro, OR
Best answers
Our patient was involved in an auto accident where he was the driver of a vehicle in that hit another car. Patient suffered a 3.2 cm laceration of the cheek bone, multiple contusions involving the knee and lower leg areas, several abrasions involving the right lower arm and possible concussion. The forehead wound was repaired using a layered closure. The abrasions were cleaned.

I feel the CPT is 12052. Any thoughts?
Did the physician say it was an intermediate closure or describe it as a layered closure? If the physician did not then you can not code it as an intermediate closure.
Could you post that portion of the OP note? That would be helpful.
I would think so. One of the surgeons I work for also describes intermediate closure as layered closure. I thought he was the only one :D