Wiki Lab Billing


True Blue
Rensselaer, NY
Best answers
Hi - even though this is more a hospital billing question than for professional services, I wanted to pass this here since there are a lot of knowledgable and talented folks here.

There are instances where there could be two accounts created for one lab test - one where the documentation of the order and results reside and another where the charges are listed. This occurs when charges are entered later and the person entering them did not find the account with the results. I have been asked if it is mandatory to move either the charges or the documentation so that everything resides in one account before billing. I have not found any regulations stating this to be the case. I have read of the necessity for the order, ensuring dates of service on the test and claim match and similar types of documentation requirements. I don't believe there will be regulations for account numbers as these are internally created by the provider. So, how would you answer this? Is this a requirement or not?

Thank you.