Wiki Lab Billing


Palestine, TX
Best answers
Does anyone know of a good site that has up to date information about the ins and outs of lab billing. I work in a Primary Care Clinic that has 30 physicians and midlevels and they bill out a ton of lab. We are constantly getting denials, but have no information about the guidelines for billing labs to either commercial payers or governement payers. Thank you so much!
Does anyone know of a good site that has up to date information about the ins and outs of lab billing. I work in a Primary Care Clinic that has 30 physicians and midlevels and they bill out a ton of lab. We are constantly getting denials, but have no information about the guidelines for billing labs to either commercial payers or governement payers. Thank you so much!

I found this on the CMS website, it was very helpful. It's a searchable .pdf file. since there have been no changes to icd9 this is as current as it can can get.

Always check the LCD if you can't find anything in the NCD, Noridian has an LCD for urinalysis 81001, 81000 and vitamin d test.

Are you a CLIA waived lab? Those would be billed with a QW for the most part....

Nancy Price, CPC