Wiki Kontur bandage lenses for Boston Kpro and Cornea Transplant surgeries

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Can you charge the insurance company for the Kontur contact lens bandage or does the patient need to self pay for these lenses each time they are ordered?
Billing Bandage contacts lens

I bill 99213 office visit with 25 modifier for office visit and 92071 for the fitting. Do we need to bill the actual supply kontur lenses separately? Will medical insurance pay for this or do we bill the patient directly self pay for the bandage contacts.
bandage Kontur lens

Can we bill the Kontur bandage lenses separately to the insurance for supplies. We now bill office visit 99213 with 25 modifier with 92071 with fitting fee. Does this include the supply lenses or does this get billed separately and can we bill the medical insurance. I understand they might deny at first but if we supply medical records that stay it is medically necessary to we get reimbursed. Or do we bill patients directly for these lenses when we order them?