Wiki Knee Scope


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I have a question regarding a procedure my physician performed he stated left anterior cruciate ligament distal ossicle excision. The note reads:

Arthroscopic scissors were used to sharply release the remaining ACL fibers from the ossicle. Two ossicles were identified, one approximately 7x5 mm, the second approximately measuring 11x8x5 mm, both ossciles were fully removed. The anterior ligament was partially shrunk to tighten the remaining fibers.

Is this just a foreign body removal(29874) or should I be looking at the excision codes. Any help is appreciated
I have a question regarding a procedure my physician performed he stated left anterior cruciate ligament distal ossicle excision. The note reads:

Arthroscopic scissors were used to sharply release the remaining ACL fibers from the ossicle. Two ossicles were identified, one approximately 7x5 mm, the second approximately measuring 11x8x5 mm, both ossciles were fully removed. The anterior ligament was partially shrunk to tighten the remaining fibers.

Is this just a foreign body removal(29874) or should I be looking at the excision codes. Any help is appreciated
It's definitely not a foreign body. That only pertains to something introduced from outside that is not part of the, splinters etc, nor is it loose or fragmented although the dictation doesn't state whether these ossicles were attached.
There really isn't enough information to code it with what you've provided. He used arthroscopic scissors but it doesn't state that he used an arthroscopic approach. If that is the extent of the actual report, you need to talk to your physician. If it's just an abbreviated version you've supplied, can you give us the whole 9 yards please?
They were attached to the distal anterior cruciate ligament he used the arthroscopic scissors to release the remaining acl fibers from the ossicle. Both ossicles were fully removed