Wiki Kenalog injections for keloids


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Dr has been injecting Kenalog to lesions after removal of keloids. This is usually not a planned procedure, but as needed. This is usually during the global period. I say this should not be charged, but he feels that it is not a planned procedure and should be charged. Please give me your input on this charge of J3301:confused:
Dr has been injecting Kenalog to lesions after removal of keloids. This is usually not a planned procedure, but as needed. This is usually during the global period. I say this should not be charged, but he feels that it is not a planned procedure and should be charged. Please give me your input on this charge of J3301:confused:

Are you coding for the facility or physician ? Because we use 11900 for keloid injections.
We use 11900 (injection) and J3301 (Kenalog). If this is a staged procedure couldn't you use a 58 modifier and see if they pay?