Wiki kenalog injection


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I am a beginner at coding and I am doing an internship in a family practice- so please be patient- My question is a patient (established)came into the office for a routine visit while there he complained of shoulder pain in both shoulders so the dr gave him an injection of kenalog into both shoulders- so would you code 99213-25,20610-50 and then do you also code for the serum used? Any input would be great!!
It will depend on the insurance how to code the bilateral joint injection. Medicare likes 20610-50 x1 unit and charge 150% of the fee; others like two line items 20610 (100% of the fee) and 20610-50 (50%). You do need mod -25 on the e/m as you have it listed and yes, you should charge for the kenalog. We usually code J3301 x4 for one large joint, so you probably have J3301 x8.