Wiki Kenalog inj ?


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If the doctor does " tendon or tp and inj/asp bursa used 2cc kenalog for tendon or tp and 1cc kenalog for bursa ? Can you use inj code J3301 twice?
How about modifer 59?

This is how it was coded:

20552 - inj/asp- tendon or tp used dx 719.41
20610 - ins/asp- bursa used dx 719.41
j3301 -KENALOG inj 719.41
j3301 KENALOG inj 719.41

dx 1. 719.41
2. 250.00
3. 401.1
4 .272.4

thank you in advance

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You would not use 96372 at all - the 20552 and 20610 are both injections already.

Another questions - for 20552, the documentation you submitted says "tendon or tp" - 20552 is indeed trigger point, but if a tendon, the code is 20551. You should get clarification from the provider as to which was done.

And 20552 (or 20551) bundle with 20610. If done at the same site, they should not both be billed - but if different sites, you could use modifier 59. However, the documentation is not clear on that.

Hope this helps,
J3301 is billed by the weight of the drug, 10mg. units. You've given us the volume, which is not the same thing, and includes inert ingredients other than the Kenalog, so I can't tell you how many units to bill.

Find out how many mg. were given, and bill the number of units /10. So if he gave 80 mg., bill 8 units.