Wiki Kelly Brooks, CPC


Lynchburg, VA
Best answers
Question I work in a pathology office, we do great with our insurance paying, we have issues with the amounts left by the insurance for the patient to pay because we never see the patient. Anyone have any suggestions or work in a pathology office and I fixed this problem?
Are you sending statements to patients?

I work in a laboratory, we also do not see patients, but after receiving a payment or denial, we send the patient responsibility to them. Does your company send out statements to collect balances due? We provide the patient's options to send i the payment by check, we take payments over the phone, or we have a site they can pay online as well.
Payment on labs

Question I work in a pathology office, we do great with our insurance paying, we have issues with the amounts left by the insurance for the patient to pay because we never see the patient. Anyone have any suggestions or work in a pathology office and I fixed this problem?

Hi There
I would have the patients pay some small copayment $10 to 20 when they do the lab test. Ensure the doc's office tell them before hand and tell the patients it will be applied. If insurance pays all lab they will get a refund.

i hope this helps!

Lady T
Thank you all for the responses I was on vacation. Yes we send statements, however the billing office doesn't send until after 30 days. I think this should be done as soon as possible, we then send 3 or 4 statements and then a past due letter. They have been doing this for 20+ years, it is not working any more. Any suggestions on this?