Wiki Kathi r

If you have multiples then yes such as
17003 59
17003 59
This is how they will keep from being denied as duplicate entries.
Thank you. That helped me too. Now if you have 2 different procedures,how do you code. For example with PT/INR and Flu Shot. Can I code 99211 mod 25
85610 QW
Is this the way to code. Any help greatly appreciated.
You do not charge the 99211 at all. You charge the administration for the flue shot with the vaccine code and the pt/inr lab code with the QW modifier and the code for the blood draw 36415/36416. We cannot charge the 99211 as there is a code for drawing blood and we cannot substitute codes. Also since the physician has already examined the patient and determined the need for the PT/INR at a previous encounter then we may not charge for the assement again. so instead of the 99211 you need a code for the blood draw eiter 36415 or 36416 with no modifier.