Wiki JW modifier


High View, WV
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Could someone please help with JW modifier usage for single dose vials. Please provide examples of billing so can see how to bill. My question would be if vial contains 20mg of med & administered 35mg of injectable how would you bill. Thanks!
It depends on the carriers billing requirement. I have been seeing some want the waste added with the administered amount since they pay at the same rate.

So if you use 35 mgs and the vial contains 20 mgs:

Example #1:
If the description in the HCPCS states that the drug unit is 1 mg = 1 unit

Line 1: JXXXX x 35
Line 2: JXXXX-JW x 5

Example #2:
If the description in the HCPCS states that the drug unit is 10 mg = 1 unit

Line 1: JXXXX X 4
No drug waste is billed as you bill up to the nearest full unit per the HCPCS description.